Many times you stuck in a situation feeling helpless but at times you find them funny too. Every day we come through some of the incidences making us laugh, but how many times we share it with public? If you ever had any funny incident happened with you, I would suggest you to share it with us, may be it could be helpful for anyone of us.
Here are some of the funny reviews of Uber cabs posted by people:
Driver stopped the car to yell at a pigeon:
A review went viral recently where a girl shared her experience with an Uber driver. Like everyday Samantha booked a cab with Uber to go to her office. She was hardly 1 mile away from her home when her driver did something that she could not stop herself laughing. On the way, her Uber driver found a pigeon sitting in the middle of the road. After making many efforts and blowing horn crazily, pigeon did not even move a bit. Finally the driver lost his patience and got down from the car. She was worried as she thought driver will definitely going to kill him, but what she saw the other moment made her laugh. As the driver went near the pigeon, Samantha followed him since she did not want him to hurt the pigeon. But he stopped and started yelling at pigeon which was quite funny. Are you deaf? Or you are here for a suicide? Tell me what do you want, Die if you want to but do not even dare to get collide with my car. And he picked the pigeon and kept him aside. That was really a funny experience. I kept laughing for hours and shared the incident in my office.
Uber driver stole my Girlfriend:
I don’t know whether to laugh at it or feel sorry for the guy. Sounds funny but can’t imagine if my girlfriend leave me for an Uber driver, but this is what happened with Jacob Smith of Texas. The day he fixed a date with her girlfriend turned into the worst day since he kept waiting for her girlfriend and his girlfriend was sitting in a restaurant with the Uber driver. Jacob himself described “Damn the Uber driver was too handsome and god my girlfriend left me for him”. As he posted the review, it went viral and had millions of views. It received an unexpected response that even Jacob was shocked to see. The review which he shared just for the sake of sharing received a huge response. We hope his girlfriend come back to him after seeing his popularity.
When your Uber driver ask you to kiss his pet rat:
This one will definitely kill you with laughter. A girl (not disclosing her identity) posted a review where her Uber driver kept asking her to kiss his pet rat. According to the girl, driver had a rat which was sitting on his shoulder, that was cute but I found it funny when he asked me to kiss it. Ah! That was crazy, I don’t even like rats. We were travelling in a same cab was more than enough for me for that day. And he was asking me to kiss his rat! I avoided while passing a smile but the next crazy thing that driver did was pleaded me to kiss his rat.
Hope you found the reviews funny. Contact Repusurance if you don’t want such reviews making fun of your business or ruining your reputation. Manage your rating & reviews, save your business.